Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. informs that if users browse this site or use services we offer through it, you acquire the user status, from the outset and, therefore, these rules constitute a contract between Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L., Avd. Luis Morales Nº32 Ed Forum Pl 5ª M 2, 41018 SEVILLA, the user regarding the use of this website regarding binding regulations of information society services and electronic commerce (Law 34/2002 LSSI-CE).

What does this imply?

  • The user states that she/he understands and comprehends what it is shown here.
  • The user states that all information provided is true and accurate, without limitation, reserves or falseness; as well as being solely liable for false or inaccurate statements.
  • In order to contact through this website, the user fully agrees to the following legal terms of Use, Privacy policy and cookies in relation to the treatment and processing data that the user provides. The use and access is free, and it is subject to connection cost from the user’s telecommunications network that provides the user access.

Legal notice

Identity and web holder.

We are Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L., company that owns the service and manages the web, platform and blog this site.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. offers users access to the website and services of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.  (hereinafter “Services”) and the management of the Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. blog, which includes articles generally focus on news and news on Technological law.

We provide this information because it is important for us to show who is liable for this site and how the user can contact us. In addition, this also constitutes a contract between Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. and the user regarding the use of This web in compliance with what is established in the Law (34/2002 LSSI-CE).

Terms of use

This is a contract.

The use of any of the services offered confers the status of User, from the beginning, and it will be considered express, voluntary and unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice. If you decide not to accept these conditions, you must refrain from accessing and / or using the contents and services offered by Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.

You can rely on the legality of this website.

All the legal texts of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.  have been drafted by Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. Legal experts, in legal fulfilment with common rules to all EU countries, quality standards in relation to consumers and consumer complaints according to the European framework.

Intellectual and industrial property

Who is the owner of the contents of this website?

The website, the pages that it includes and the information or elements contained therein (including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, all designs, texts, Graphics, icons, buttons, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, information, sound and / or image files, designs, source code and object code, among others), as well as logos, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive signs, Industrial or any other signs that are susceptible of industrial and commercial use (hereinafter referred to as the “Website Content”) are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights. Fiwoo® holds these intellectual or industrial property rights and the use of them is under our authorization, as well as public communication by the third owners.

The logo of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L., its trade name, and all other trademarks appearing on this website (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademarks”) are registered and / or owned by Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. and/or from any third party that has authorized for its use and public communication. None of the content on this Website may be construed as granting of A license or right over the registered trademarks, either by implication, occupation, derivation, assignment or otherwise. Except a prior written authorization of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. or said by a third party that is the owner of the Trademark.

These elements cannot be validly and legitimately copied or distributed for any commercial use, nor they can be modified or inserted in other web sites without previous authorization of Fiwoo®

What are the limits or authorizations that we establish to use the contents of this website?

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. allows users to view the contents of this website, as well as to make private reproductions (simple activity of download and storage in their computer systems), provided that the elements are intended for personal use.

The user undertakes to use the service and contents in a diligent and correct manner, according to the law, morality, public order and these terms and conditions, as well as not using it to carry out criminal activities, that violate the rights of third parties or that violate any rule or law.

In no case shall it be understood that the User’s accessing and browsing the site implies authorisation or renunciation, transmission, total or partial cession of these rights or the concession of any right or the expectation of rights and specifically, the changing, transformation, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on this content without the express and previous authorisation of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. or of the corresponding rights holders.

Specifically, the user is not authorized to carry out reproductions, total or partial reinterpretations, use, exploitation, distribution, alteration, diffusion, sale, for commercial purposes of contents of this website without the prior authorization of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. or corresponding holders. Any use that was not previously authorized by Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. will be considered a serious breach of thLinks policy of this web.e intellectual or industrial property rights.

Links policy of this web.

What happens to links published on this website?

This Website and/or blog of this website may contain links to other websites or mention the commercial name of any collaborator who offer their services or products through this website and that in turn may be liable holders of their own Website to which the user chooses to go (hereinafter, “Linked Sites”).

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. is not liable for the management, conditions of use, content, errors or possible contradictions of information that may be found on the websites owned by sites linked through this website as providers of Independent services.

If the user decides to visit any linked site, he acknowledges and agrees that he does so at his own discretion and it is his sole responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect against viruses and other destructive elements that may derive from those, being also aware that they will be Applicable conditions established by the website. Likewise, you agree to exonerate Fiwoo® from any liability for possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights of the Linked Sites owners, from any responsibility regarding the technical availability of linked web pages, quality, reliability, Accuracy and / or veracity of services, information, elements and / or contents to which you can access as a user.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. does not recommend, promote or identify, nor guarantee, represent, sponsor, or endorse any linked or third-party websites that may be commercially named by users in the offer of products through this Web.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites and, therefore, is not directly or indirectly liable for damages caused by wrongfulness, quality, outdatedness, unavailability, error and uselessness of Contents and / or services of Linked Sites or for any other damages not directly attributable to Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.will only be liable for the content provided in Linked Sites to the extent that it has effective knowledge of the wrongfulness and has not deactivated the link with due diligence. If the user considers that a Linked Site exists with illicit or inappropriate content, you must notify us at the e-mail address, and not meaning that this communication entails the obligation to remove the corresponding link.

Terms of Use, rights and exclusions of responsibility.

What are the online user’s rights?

What is required as a user and what can happen if you breach these Terms of Use?

CAs a user undertakes to make appropriate use of contents, services and tools that are available through this website, subject to the Law and these Terms of Use, respecting always other users. For that reason, the user agrees on keeping Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. harmless from any liability to any person, which could be come from using Content of the Website, that does not obey these Terms of use or with the Legality in force at any time that may be applicable.

In case of total or partial breach of these Terms, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. reserves the right to deny access to without prior notice.

What is authorized and under what conditions?

As a user must respect the dynamics of the web, making proper use of services and content, especially:

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. authorizes you to view, download and print the Website Content provided under the following conditions:

The user undertakes to keep Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. harmless from any possible claim, fine, penalty or penalty that may be required to be incurred because of the User’s failure to comply with the above-mentioned usage rules, reserving, in addition Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.  the right to request the compensation for damages that, if appropriate, corresponds.

How do we manage comments on the blog?

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. reserves the right to delete any comment or contributions that violate the rules of use of this website. Nor comments that are anonymous, promotional, insulting or that go against the good tone of the web. In no case will Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. be liable for opinions that users can give.

What responsibilities do we avoid?

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. does not guarantee continuous access, nor correct visualization, download or utility of elements and information contained in pages of this website, which may be hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control or no fault of their own, or those that are produced by the existence of computer viruses on the Internet.

Specifically, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. does not assume any responsibility for damages, losses, losses, claims or expenses, produced by:

Specifically, and without restraints, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. will not be liable for damages and damages of any nature derived from:

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. is not liable for information and uploaded contents, without limitations in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish contents on this website.

However, and according to the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, to actively collaborate in the withdrawal, or in case; blocking, of all contents which could affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights, morality and public order.

If the user considers that there is any content in this website that could be sensible to this classification, please notify us immediately of the email indicated at the beginning of this legal notice.

Privacy, data protection and cookies.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L., according to Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data, guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth, as well as the implementation of the security measures established in the current Data Protection Act of Personal Nature (Law 15 / 1999LOPD) and Development Regulation of the LOPD.

For more information about data treatment, it is important that you read and know the Privacy and Cookies Policy of this website.

We collect personal data through contact forms, job applications and subscription to newsletters and newsletter of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. in any of the websites of its business divisions, among which is the Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.  as well as through profiles in social networks of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.  and its divisions.

In such forms, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. will inform the user about the existence and acceptance of the Privacy Policy, informing him/her of the identity of the File Manager, his address, the possibility of exercising his rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, the purpose of processing and data communications to third parties where appropriate.

In the Cookies Policy we inform you that the website of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. and its divisions may use cookies (small files of information that the server sends to the computer of the user that accesses this web) to carry out certain functions which are considered essential for the correct functioning and visualization of the site, to share in social networks, and in some cases collect data on which we perform our evaluation statistics and proposals, as well as to coordinate the work of advertising and segmentation. It is convenient that you read our Cookies policy to know which ones are permanent, temporary or session ones, and you can decide to uninstall those that you consider appropriate. In no case will the cookies be used to collect personal information.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.reserves the right f to modify the “Terms of Use”.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. may modify these conditions at any time, considering the evolution of this website and contents, reserving the right to modify, add or delete at any time and on a unilateral basis any of the current “Terms of use”, if deemed necessary, due to legal reasons, due to technical reasons, due to changes in services provided or any change in the nature of the Website. Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. will not be accountable for notifications about any change, as well as being understood as sufficient its publication in the website.

Likewise, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. may impose limits or restrict your access to certain Website parts or platform, without prior notification needed, and not taking any responsibility, either for technical reasons, to prevent unauthorized access, data loss or destruction. If deemed appropriate, Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. will deny access, in case we consider you are breaching these Conditions or any applicable law or regulation.
We want to make it clear that any modification will influence users who use this website or contract through it, after that modification. That is why, these conditions will always be published at the last update date, so changes made will be binding at that date. Continued use of this site after the publication of any modification shall be deemed as acceptance of any modification.

Applicable law and jurisdiction.

Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. is based in Spain, so these legal conditions have been drafted under the Spanish legislation and applicable regulations of the European Union. In case of legal conflict, claims or complaints related to this Website will be subject to Spanish laws, without prejudice to basic principles that the Spanish law regulates.
The user accepts that complaints against Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. which are related to the use of this Website will be processed by a court of the competent jurisdiction located in Seville (Spain). If Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L. had to make any type of claim, it will do so before a competent court of the consumer’s residence or in Seville if it concerns a legal entity or non-consumer professionals.

If you access this site from a location outside Spain, you are liable for enforcing all local and international laws.

Last Updated: August 1, 2016

  • a). You have the right to know the legal identity of this company that owns this website.
  • b).You have the right to be provided within clear and updated information about our commercial services, so if request for a budget or information, you will be able to decide or provided within the information you need.
  • c). You have the right to know the costs before signing any contract.
  • d). You have the right not to provide personal information if it is not necessary for the operation itself.
  • e). You have the right to protect your personal data, to be informed about the purpose and subsequent use of your personal data, as well as accessing, modifying and cancelling your data when deemed necessary.
  • f). You are entitled to receive personalised attentionTiene derecho a ser informado de la recepción de información comercial o publicidad by email and by alternative means.
  • g).You have the right to be informed about commercial advertising.
  • h). You have the right to be informed about cookies or other data storage system if it exists
    • You must do it exclusively for your personal and non-commercial use;
    • You should not disseminate, transmit or make available any information to third parties, in case it is not authorized by the intellectual and industrial owners of this information. You should not disseminate, transmit or make available any information that may harm fundamental rights and recognized constitutional freedoms, international treaties, as well as avoiding unfair and unlawful advertising, dissemination of information that may harm secrecy obligations or data protection legislations, and dissemination of images and pictures with underage people content;
    • You should not disseminate any false information or contents that might be misleading, ambiguous or inaccurate so they may mislead other information recipients;
    • You must not disseminate racist, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorist propaganda, or any information that might harm human rights;
    • You are not allowed to impersonate another user, or any other individual.;
    • You should not use this Website Content to carry out any illegal activity in violation of good faith;
    • No debe emplear el Contenido del Sitio Web para realizar actividades ilícitas, ilegales o contrarias a la buena fe y orden público;
    • You must not modify the Content of the Website;
    • You should not delete or modify any notification, quotation, ownership of copyright, trademark, or any other provision or intellectual property included in this Website content.
    • Interferences, interruptions, errors, omissions, delays, blocks or disconnections caused by errors in telecommunications networks, or any other causes beyond the control of Fiwoo® Interferences carried out through malware or viruses.
    • Inappropriate use of this website: property of Fiwoo Smart Solutions S.L.
    • By not fulfilling user’s expectations in relation to the web content and services.
    • Reception, storage, dissemination of contents by users that act in a negligent, fraudulent manner, contrary to these conditions, good faith, and generally accepted law enforcement.
    • Security or navigation errors that are caused improper use of user ‘s browser or using outdated versions.
    • Access of underage people to contents included in the Service.
    • Unavailability, errors, access failures and lack of continuity of the Service.
    • Failures or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions.
    • Content, information, opinions and statements of any User or third parties that are disseminated through this Service.
    • In case, users make any violation related to any infringement of intellectual and / or industrial property rights, confidential content or third parties, in relation to the information provided within this Service, no matter if this information was granted or not.
    • Unfair competition and illegal advertising or any infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, the honour rights, personal and family privacy, property rights and all other rights belonging to a third party by means of transmission, dissemination, storage, disposition, reception, no access to contents.
    • Possible loss not because of the Service performance.