Algeciras Smart Port

Ports of the future: Digital Port

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Digital Port is implemented in the port of Algeciras, and is key to make it a smart and sustainable port. We tell you all about it below.

Ports in Spain are of great importance because maritime transport has been a catalyst for economic development throughout our history.

The maritime transporte plays a crucial role.

Today, around 74% of goods entering or leaving Europe are transported by sea. This plays a crucial role in the exchange of foreign trade goods in continuous evolution and adaptation to markets and technological and technical advances.

Automation, digitalization and other advanced technologies are gaining ground, replacing traditional methods with Cloud solutions featuring Big Data, IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

Digital Port is a project developed by FIWOO, ISOIN, Ferrovial and EC2CE, and has been implemented in the port of Algeciras. We tell you more about it.

What is the project about?.

Digital Port is an innovative modular platform that aims to optimize logistics processes among the actors involved in the port sector. Designing, developing and validating an integrated IoE (Internet of Everything) system where to employ innovative technologies such as Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence, 3D GIS, FIWARE, Blockchain, Open Data and Cloud.

Throughout the development of this project, numerous technological solutions are carried out, such as a 3D geographic information system; the integration of information from IoT sensors and Machine Learning techniques for the prediction of events; the obtaining of patterns and trends; and the implementation of BlockChain in the port logistics value chain.

Project results.

It offers the port of Algeciras a comprehensive solution for digitization, collaboration in the port logistics chain and provision of intelligence to services, protects and minimizes the impact of external factors, offering greater control over the volume of business and a reduction of integration times of the major players in logistics and transport with the port, thus reducing costs in the logistics chain.

In addition, productivity is improved in the port of Algeciras, the integration of Digital Port opens the possibility of new business models, the most important being the export of data from the same ports and their logistics chains.

The platform facilitates the exploitation of data (arrival times, collection times and transport instructions, among others), as well as the possibility of making estimates and predictions that will allow the actors to significantly improve their efficiency, in addition to offering new services to their customers and addressing new globalized markets.

The monetization of this data can help individual users reduce costs through better planning and provide additional revenue.

The result is an improved port environment and more sustainable logistics. The ports of the future are more efficient, safer, more advanced, connected and integrated with the city. The key to such a necessary transformation is in the hands of smart ports.

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